Saturday, August 21, 2010


So, for as long as I've been alive, I've always had dreams. I've only had a couple of visions before and I've never prophesied, but I get dreams often. Last night, I had another strange dream, and I left home pondering what it meant. When I got to church, we had some pre-service prayer, and Pastor Emilio quoted a Bible verse while we all prayed. He said, "Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men dream dreams..." (Joel 2:28) And I kept thinking, "Hey, wait a minute. Does that make me an old man, then?"

Revelation of the century.

All right, on with the dream, then.

In my dream, I'm at home and packing myself some lunch for school or something. But as I'm doing this, a boy comes up to me and offers to pack my lunch for me. I agree, thinking, hey, why not? Which is strange, because first of all, I don't recognize or know this boy, and this is my home. So what is he doing here? That's not even the weirdest part yet.

At some point after filling my lunch box, the boy pulls a live worm out of no where. And then he says to me, "Do you want me to add this to your lunch? It's delicious." I nod my head, albeit uncertainly. What's strange is that I don't mind that he is putting a worm in my lunchbox for me to eat. I only regard the worm as if it were a type of food I have never tasted before in my life. There's a first time for everything, I think. And then I thank the boy and I leave my home with my lunch.

When I get to my school, it's already lunch time and I open my pack to eat, but then I spot the single worm, wriggling around in my otherwise good lunch. I wrinkle my nose a little at the sight of it, but I brace myself and grab my eating utensils. As soon as my spoon and fork touch my food, however, I decide against eating the worm and I throw it out. But then I'm hungry now and without the worm in my lunch, it doesn't look too bad. It's strange though, because, since a dirty worm has been swimming in my lunch, I shouldn't eat the food even though it doesn't have the worm in it anymore because it would be dirty as well. But I do. I eat what's left of my lunch. And then I get a sick stomach, I lean over to the left, and I vomit my guts out.

That's the end of my dream. It's gross, yes, but I think there's a meaning behind it.

God has been dealing with me lately about the entertainment that I allow into my life. Just a week ago or so, I emptied my music player of all the worldly music in it. And let me tell you, that was a lot of worldly music. It was admittedly a little difficult letting go of all those artists that I loved so much, but once I realized that I was honoring God by doing it, it was a much easier job to do.

I asked God about it this morning, and this is what He revealed to me.

I think the boy, whoever he was, might have been the devil. Looking back at it, I think I remember the boy being really good looking, and in the Bible, it says that Satan fashions himself as an angel of light (II Corinthians 11:14), and an angel of light would look good, right? And the worm represents the things of this world - dirty, unhealthy, and although it seems all right, it will taste absolutely awful once you eat it. My lunch, of course, is the entertainment or music or movies that I allow into my life.

By putting the worm into my lunch, it was like compromising my standards by watching and listening to entertainment that didn't glorify God. And even though I threw the worm out already, I had to suffer the consequences by eating the bad food (because I was hungry; this also applies spiritually) and I ended up having a bad stomach from doing so.

Though I think the vomiting part of my dream, however disgusting it seemed, is a good thing. It means I got rid of all the junk that I stomached. And, even though it left a bad aftertaste and didn't make my throat feel very amazing, there was relief in my stomach after I puked it out.