Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Odds

I've been entering a ton of giveaways lately because, a.) My country never has stock of good books, and b.) Even if they did, I have zero funds to buy them all. So, in an attempt to get at least one new book to read, I entered this new giveaway by Words And Whisperings :) You can find it by clicking the links. Everyone should join it; there are some really good books up for grabs.

I've wanted Matched by Ally Condie for the longest time now, and I really hope for my own sake that I win. The blog is giving it away, amongst all the other books in the list the winners can choose from. There can be two winners for the Words and Whisperings Giveaway, which gives me a whisper of a hope. (No pun intended.)

All the other contests I've joined so far have been to no success. I don't know how many other giveaways out there are offering copies of Matched, and most of all, I don't know how many of those I can actually win.

The odds are always against readers in the Philippines. It's a little sad. I'm thinking... we're in need of an Effie Trinket to wish us some luck.

But, anyway, for all the other people that are joining the contest, may the odds be ever in your favor. And I wish you optimal results. (See, I haven't even read Matched yet and I already know its tagline. That, my friends, for those of you who don't know, is tragic dedication.)

Pity party at my place. Who's up for it?